Transition into late summer with Chinese medicine

late summer with Chinese medicine

Late summer – the fifth season

Chinese medicine recognizes five seasons: spring, summer, late summer, fall, and winter. Late summer is important because it is the shift between the warm seasons to the cool seasons. It is the time when the hot yang energy of the summer starts to shift into the cool yin energy of autumn.


Chinese medicine associates our organs with phases or elements. In late summer, the earth phase is dominant. The organs associated with earth are the stomach and spleen. The earth element is all about transformation. It signifies the turning point between the peak of summer and the gradual change into fall. The earth element demonstrates an inflection point, just like the space between an inhalation and exhalation.


Alignment with the seasons and phases

People are often fascinated to hear about how their organs are associated with the different seasons and how this relates to symptoms they experience in their bodies. In Chinese Medicine, there are five phases of transformation: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. While in Traditional Chinese Medicine these are called elements, Classical Chinese Medicine refers to them as phases because they develop and change into one another. The seasons and phases (or elements) associate as follows:


  • Spring: Wood. This is when nature starts stirring from winter’s dormancy. Trees and plants blossom. New branches grow out of old wood, and new growth begins.


  • Summer: Fire. This is the time of warmth and activity. Nature is moving actively, and as a result is growing and flourishing.


  • Late summer: Earth. This is the time of harvest. It is also is the pause between the rising of the warming and active phases of wood and fire and the declining and cooler phases of fall and winter.


  • Fall: Metal. This is when nature lets go of what it no longer needs. Leaves fall from trees. Compost from the dead leaves enriches the soil so it can prepare for the next cycle of growth in the spring.


  • Winter: Water. This is a time of rest. Animals hibernate, the days are shorter, and nature gets still and goes within to build up reserves.


How the late summer season influences the organs

As I shared earlier, the spleen and stomach are the organs associated with the earth element and late summer. This is a good time of year to focus on digestive health, centering, and stability. Ancient classical Chinese texts share that spleen and stomach energy are the foundation of health. The stomach takes in nutrition and works with the spleen to transform the nutrition into qi (energy) and blood. Spleen energy then transports the qi and blood to various organs.


Spleen energy is also responsible for holding and ascending energy. It holds the blood in the vessels. It helps keep organs like the bladder and uterus lifted. Weak spleen energy can result in prolapse of these organs, or varicose veins, for example. Stomach energy, on the other hand, is a descending energy. This energy helps food descend into the body to be transformed and utilized. When stomach energy is weak, the energy is said to rebel and go upward, which can result in indigestion, burping, etc.


Additionally, earth energy is responsible for the digestion of thoughts and emotions. Energy stagnates when we don’t express ourselves. As a result, we can feel mentally stuck. We may have a repetitive thought that we can’t get out of our head. We might even feel physically stuck with issues like constipation and bloating.


Help easing into the transition of late summer

Every individual is unique, and no two people will experience the same symptoms for exactly the same reason. When I see a new patient, I make the time to ask a lot of questions and review their health history. This allows me to determine what is going on with their energy. For example, it is important to determine whether their energy is getting stuck or is deficient. I develop a customized treatment to address their specific needs and restore the balance of energy. This might involve acupuncture needles, ear seeds, qigong exercises, and diet and lifestyle advice.


Want to talk about how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help you? We’d love to hear from you. Please click this link to schedule a free 10-minute call with our senior scheduling receptionist who will be happy to answer any questions you have and advise you on the best services and practitioner to meet your unique needs.


Any further questions? Please reach out and email us through our website or call or text 910-622-4269.


About the Author

Ericca Burke is the owner of HAVEN Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine where she provides acupuncture and Chinese medicine treatments in Wilmington, NC. Click this link to read more about Ericca. 


About HAVEN Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine in Wilmington, NC

HAVEN Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine is an acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice located in Wilmington, NC just minutes from beautiful Wrightsville Beach. Click this link for contact information and directionsClick this link for a listing and description of services offered.


Acupuncture for stress

acupuncture for stress

Acupuncture for stress

Stress reduction is key to maintaining well-being and preventing disease, and acupuncture can be a great support for managing stress. Stress is widely recognized as a major cause of disease.  In fact, the research paper Inflammation: The Common Pathway of Stress-Related Diseases in the Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Journal states that “Stress is the common risk factor of 75%–90% diseases”. The paper lists the most common overall stress-related diseases as follows:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Metabolic diseases like diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Psychological and neurodegenerative disorders like depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease


Additionally, a report shared in the National Library of Medicine states that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 75% of doctor visits are stress-related with complaints including:

  • Headache
  • Back pain
  • Heart problems
  • Upset stomach
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Sleep problems
  • Tiredness and accidents


Furthermore, the Occupational Health and Safety news and the National Council on compensation of insurance have an even higher estimate, stating that up to 90% of all doctor visits are for stress-related complaints.


Stress from a Chinese medicine perspective

Every person is unique, and no two people will experience stress for the same reason in the exact same way. Each of the primary acupuncture channels in the body is associated with an organ system and has associated emotions and physical sensations. A disruption to any of these energetic systems can result in stress. Here are some ways we might look at stress from a Chinese medicine perspective:

  • Anxiety with heart palpitations? There may be too much nervous excessive energy around the heart, and supporting the Heart energetic pathways will be helpful in this case.
  • Obsessive thinking and trouble sleeping because thoughts won’t turn off? In this situation, the energy associated with the Spleen organ system likely needs support.
  • Scared and shaky? Cold? Sore low back? In this case, it’s likely that Kidney energy needs support.
  • Holding emotions in and getting headaches or migraines? In this instance, supporting the Liver energy can be helpful.
  • Overwhelmed with grief from loss? In this case, supporting the Lung energy can make a world of difference.


Additional support from ear seeds

Ear seeds are a wonderful addition to an acupuncture treatment. Ear seeds are great because they are something tangible that people can take home with them to continue the treatment. It also gives people comfort to have something to do if they feel stress. By gently giving the ear seeds a squeeze, the body gets a subtle message to relax. We have Stress and Anxiety ear seed kits for people who want to apply their own treatments at home.


What else can you do at home?

If an acupuncture treatment is not available to you, there are still things you can do at home to help manage your stress. Here are some ideas:


How about rewarding yourself?

Since you’re reading this blog, you’re already well on your way to taking charge of managing your stress. How about giving yourself a reward for choosing self-care?

Do one thing EVERY day that brings you joy.

If you can do this, you will at least have that time that is stress-free. The thing you choose needs to be something that brings you delight and a smile to your face. What’s important is that it is meaningful to you. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. It doesn’t have to be anything big or something that takes a lot of time. Here are some ideas to give you food for thought: snuggle with your pet, drink a delicious cup of hot tea, giggle with a friend, move to music, sing your favorite song as loudly as you can, walk outside and crunch through crisp leaves on the ground, or take a soothing essential-oil scented bubble bath. Involve the senses – sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch. What would FEEL good to you and bring you JOY?


Want to know more?

Want to talk about how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help you? We’d love to hear from you. Please click this link to schedule a free 10-minute call with our senior scheduling receptionist who will be happy to answer any questions you have and advise you on the best services and practitioner to meet your unique needs.


Any further questions? Please reach out and email us through our website or call or text 910-622-4269.


About the Author

Ericca Burke is the owner of HAVEN Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine where she provides acupuncture and Chinese medicine treatments in Wilmington, NC. Click this link to read more about Ericca. 


About HAVEN Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine in Wilmington, NC

HAVEN Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine is an acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice located in Wilmington, NC just minutes from beautiful Wrightsville Beach. Click this link for contact information and directions. Click this link for a listing and description of services offered.

Cultivate abundance this summer

cultivate abundance

Make time to cultivate abundance this summer

Summer is a time of abundance, and it is a great time to cultivate and embrace abundance and joy. It is the time to harvest the fruits of our labor. We are at the peak of fiery yang energy, and then the season shifts into one of transformation. Chinese medicine associates our organs with phases or elements. In the summer, the fire and earth elements are dominant. The organs associated with fire are the heart and small intestine. The stomach and spleen belong to the earth element. The fire element brings in a quick and lively energy associated with joy. The earth element is all about transformation. It signifies the turning point between the peak of summer and the gradual change into fall. The earth element demonstrates an inflection point, just like the space between an inhalation and exhalation.


Alignment with the seasons and phases

People are often fascinated to hear about how their organs are associated with the different seasons and how this relates to symptoms they experience in their bodies.


In Chinese Medicine, there are five phases of transformation: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. While in Traditional Chinese Medicine these are called elements, Classical Chinese Medicine refers to them as phases because they develop and change into one another. The five phases or elements correspond to the seasons spring, summer, fall, and winter. In Chinese medicine further divides summer into summer and late summer. Late summer refers to the transformation between the warmer summer weather and cool fall weather. The seasons and phases (or elements) associate as follows:


  • Spring: Wood. This is when nature starts stirring from winter’s dormancy. Trees and plants blossom. New branches grow out of old wood, and new growth begins.


  • Summer: Fire. This is the time of warmth and activity. Nature is moving actively, and as a result is growing and flourishing.


  • Late summer: Earth. This is the time of harvest. It is also is the pause between the rising of the warming and active phases of wood and fire and the declining and cooler phases of fall and winter.


  • Fall: Metal. This is when nature lets go of what it no longer needs. Leaves fall from trees. Compost from the dead leaves enriches the soil so it can prepare for the next cycle of growth in the spring.


  • Winter: Water. This is a time of rest. Animals hibernate, the days are shorter, and nature gets still and goes within to build up reserves.


How the summer season influences the organs

As I shared earlier, the heart and small intestines are the organs associated with the fire element and summer. Just as the flowers are bursting with vitality and many crops are at their peak in the summer, this is the perfect time to celebrate the gifts we have in this life and enjoy the fruits of our labor. It is a time to find things that make your heart happy. Do things that you love, and have fun. Plan enjoyable activities like taking a vacation with loved ones. Hike in the woods. Play at the beach. These are great ways to cultivate abundance and embrace joy and bring yourself in line with the fire element and the energy of the season.


The sensory organ associated with the fire element is the tongue. This is a good time to speak your truth and share what is in your heart. Also, expressing ourselves and moving our body facilitates the heart’s ability to circulate blood throughout the body. Since the fire element and heart are also associated with love, try to express yourself in the most loving way possible. Sometimes, it’s most important to direct that loving energy toward yourself.


Additionally, the earth element is all about digestion. This refers to literal digestion as the stomach digests food and the spleen transforms and transports the energy to be used by the body. It also refers to the digestion of thoughts and emotions. When we don’t express ourselves, the energy can get stuck and we can feel mentally stuck. We may have a repetitive thought that we can’t get out of our head. We might even feel physically stuck with issues like constipation and bloating.


Feeling stuck? Get help learning to cultivate abundance this summer

Every individual is unique, and no two people will experience the same symptoms for exactly the same reason. When I see a new patient, I make the time to ask a lot of questions and review their health history. This allows me to determine what is going on with their energy. For example, it is important to determine whether their energy is getting stuck or is deficient. I develop a customized treatment to address their specific needs and restore the balance of energy. This might involve acupuncture needles, ear seeds, qigong exercises, and diet and lifestyle advice.


Want to talk about how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help you? We’d love to hear from you. Please click this link to schedule a free 10-minute call with our senior scheduling receptionist who will be happy to answer any questions you have and advise you on the best services and practitioner to meet your unique needs.


Any other questions? Please reach out and email us through our website or call or text 910-622-4269.


About the Author

Ericca Burke is the owner of HAVEN Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine where she provides acupuncture and Chinese medicine treatments in Wilmington, NC. Click this link to read more about Ericca. 


About HAVEN Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine in Wilmington, NC

HAVEN Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine is an acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice located in Wilmington, NC just minutes from beautiful Wrightsville Beach. Click this link for contact information and directionsClick this link for a listing and description of services offered.


The importance of seasonal acupuncture treatments

seasonal acupuncture treatments

What are seasonal acupuncture treatments?

Seasonal acupuncture treatments are treatments tailored to support people during the change of seasons when the energy in our environment is shifting. Our bodies experience shifts just like the outdoor landscapes transform with the changing seasons. For example, we often feel more energetic in the springtime as flowers are blooming outside. In the winter, there is a tendency to want to stay indoors more and be still.

Some people consider a seasonal acupuncture treatment to be a “tune up”, just like when we take our cars in for maintenance tune ups. I love it when patients arrive and announce, “I’m here for my tune up!”. Changing seasons can exacerbate any energetic imbalances we may be experiencing. Seasonal treatments help our bodies adjust to the changes and potential challenges that each season brings. They help promote wellbeing and prevent illness that often accompanies the changing seasons.


Seasons, solstices, and equinoxes

It can be helpful to understand the difference between seasons, solstices, and equinoxes. The dates shared in this blog are specific to the Northern Hemisphere. Meteorologists divide each of the seasons into three months, and according to National Geographic, meteorologists identify the start of the meteorological seasons as follows: spring on March 1st, summer on June 1st, fall on September 1st, and winter on December 1st.


Additionally, the National Weather Service outlines the dates for solstices and equinoxes. A solstice occurs twice a year and designates the day with either the most or least amount of daylight in a single day. The summer solstice, when there is the most daylight, occurs between June 20th-22nd. The winter solstice, when there is the least daylight, occurs between December 21st-22nd. The summer solstice marks the start of summer, and the winter solstice marks the start of winter.


According to, an equinox occurs when the amount of daylight and nighttime hours is equal. The vernal equinox occurs between March 21st-22nd. The autumnal equinox occurs between September 22nd-23rd. The vernal equinox marks the start of spring, and the autumnal equinox marks the start of fall.


When is a good time to schedule a seasonal acupuncture treatment?

While any time during a particular season can be beneficial, many patients see the most benefit as the seasons start to shift and at the beginning of a new season. That is often when people might start to feel off or out of balance. Sometimes, our bodies can struggle to adapt to climactic changes, which can result in depleted energy and make us more susceptible to illness. Some patients schedule regular appointments at the start of each season, where others wait until the equinox or solstice when they notice a greater shift.


Benefits of seasonal acupuncture treatments

While technology continues to evolve and allow us to do many things that our ancestors could not do, it can also result in people being disconnected from the rhythms of nature. Air conditioning can keep us cool in the summer, and electric lights can allow us to work during the dark nights of winter. Even so, our bodies do still respond to nature and the seasonal shifts that occur. Being in harmony with our environment has a positive effect on our health and wellbeing.


Regular treatments contribute to long-term health and wellness. Additionally, regular treatments often inspire additional positive lifestyle changes that enhance vitality and wellness. This might include eating seasonal foods, engaging in physical activity that is aligned with the season, and even practicing stress and mindfulness techniques. You can read more about the benefits of regular acupuncture treatments as an investment in long-term health in my blog The value of regular acupuncture treatments.


Want to talk about how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help you? We’d love to hear from you. Please click this link to schedule a free 10-minute call with our senior scheduling receptionist who will be happy to answer any questions you have and advise you on the best services and practitioner to meet your unique needs.


Any other questions? Please reach out and email us through our website or call or text 910-622-4269.


About the Author

Ericca Burke is the owner of HAVEN Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine where she provides acupuncture and Chinese medicine treatments in Wilmington, NC. Click this link to read more about Ericca. 


About HAVEN Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine in Wilmington, NC

HAVEN Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine is an acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice located in Wilmington, NC just minutes from beautiful Wrightsville Beach. Click this link for contact information and directions. Click this link for a listing and description of services offered.

The value of regular acupuncture treatments

regular acupuncture treatments

An early case for preventative medicine

Regular acupuncture treatments are a great form of preventative medicine. This is the way medicine was practiced in ancient times as documented in the classics, which are ancient Chinese medical texts. “The sage does not treat those who are ill but those who are well.” This is a quote from the Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen, the oldest surviving book on Chinese medicine. Legend has it that ancient Chinese doctors were paid to keep patients well, and they would not be paid if patients became sick.


Routine acupuncture treatments help manage stress

Stress is a major cause of disease. The research paper Inflammation: The Common Pathway of Stress-Related Diseases in the Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Journal states that “Stress is the common risk factor of 75%–90% diseases”. The paper lists the most common overall stress-related diseases as follows:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Metabolic diseases like diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Psychological and neurodegenerative disorders like depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease


Additionally, a report shared in the National Library of Medicine states that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 75% of doctor visits are stress-related with complaints including:

  • Headache
  • Back pain
  • Heart problems
  • Upset stomach
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Sleep problems
  • Tiredness and accidents


Furthermore, the Occupational Health and Safety news and the National Council on compensation of insurance have an even higher estimate, stating that up to 90% of all doctor visits are for stress-related complaints. Stress reduction is key to maintaining well-being and preventing disease. Acupuncture treatments promote the relaxation response and are very effective in managing stress. Please see my blog Healing yourself with the relaxation response for details about the relaxation response.



Regular acupuncture treatments promote wellness and help reduce stress. By comparison, it is well understood that regular exercise maintains muscle tone and cardiovascular fitness. We can start an exercise program where we go to the gym for eight weeks and achieve the results we want. If we stop going to the gym completely, over time our bodies will return to the way they were before. We know that we need to shift into a maintenance exercise routine to maintain our overall muscle tone and cardiovascular health.


Similarly, patients find it beneficial to continue with maintenance acupuncture treatments on a regular basis to maintain their results and prevent symptom recurrence. I typically recommend monthly treatments for maintenance, but even every two or three months can be beneficial.


Additional benefits of regular acupuncture treatments

Please consider regular acupuncture treatments as investment in your well-being. I share personalized lifestyle recommendations with my patients.  They are often inspired to create positive changes that enhance their longevity and health. This might include nutritional considerations, mindfulness, and even qigong exercise. The better we feel, the more motivated we are to choose healthy habits.  When we balance our body, mind, and spirit, we feel wonderful and fulfilled.


Want to talk about how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help you? We’d love to hear from you. Please click this link to schedule a free 10-minute call with our senior scheduling receptionist who will be happy to answer any questions you have and advise you on the best services and practitioner to meet your unique needs.


Any further questions? Please reach out and email us through our website or call or text 910-622-4269.


About the Author

Ericca Burke is the owner of HAVEN Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine where she provides acupuncture and Chinese medicine treatments in Wilmington, NC. Click this link to read more about Ericca. 


About HAVEN Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine in Wilmington, NC

HAVEN Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine is an acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice located in Wilmington, NC just minutes from beautiful Wrightsville Beach. Click this link for contact information and directions. Click this link for a listing and description of services offered.